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Expert Tax Related Valuations

Due to the prevailing local and international market conditions, it ought to be clear that proper administration of your tax obligations is adhered to, as it can directly affect your portfolio and the properties within. 
Property house growth and time



Our Certified Practising Valuers or sometimes referred to as Sworn Valuers can offer a broad range of knowledge and guidance, backed by an abundance of experience in dealing with all classes of property and an extensive understanding of legislative obligations.


Valuations for taxation purposes, whether it be current market valuations or retrospective valuations, our tax valuers and all tax related valuation assessments are compliant with the State Revenue Office (SRO) and the Australian Tax office (ATO). 


The experience of our Valuers is vital to conducting accurate tax-related valuations, helping to ensure our clients get a fair and reasonable outcome.




“The estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arms-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion.”

Definition of Market Value - International Standard

Australian dollar coin

Save for Your Retirement

Superannuation is a way to save for your retirement. The money comes from contributions made toward your super fund by your employer and you.



Scrabble profit loss and risk

Asset Loss or Gain

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax you pay to the government when there is a capital gain or appreciation in the value of your asset. It is not a separate tax, just part of your income tax. 



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Transfer of an Asset

Stamp duty is the tax owed to the government on the transfer of an asset, between two parties. A valuation by a Certified Valuer is required by the Office of State Revenue (SRO), the purpose of which is to net transactions that fall outside the definition of "Fair Market Value, " i.e. between related parties.



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