Fixed/Tangible Assets Valuation
Asset Register Development
Asset Valuations for Financial Reporting
Insurance Valuation
From single asset valuations, educational institutions and large industrial facilities.
We will ensure you'll receive the right plant, equipment and machinery valuation advice.
Are your assets adequately insured?
Your Plant and Machinery assets are the keys to your success and thus require protection. Under insured - and your business is at risk of crippling financial loss. Over insured - is just an unnecessary expense.
We will get it right for you the first time.
Our insurance valuations adhere to stringent reporting requirements of the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), the Australian Property Institute (API) and the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC).
Plant and Machinery Valuation Purposes
Insurance valuations of your plant and machinery
Financial Reporting for accounting purposes, including tax consolidation
Market Value for purchase price allocation, asset management and internal reporting
Fixed asset register management, including asset verification
Why choose
Our Plant and Machinery Valuers (P&M) are Certified Practising Valuers (CPV) and associate members of the API.
We follow strict standards set out by the API, relevant accounting and insurance standards.
We can even tailor our work to provide both property and plant and machinery reports to cover your whole asset structure.
A business's plant and machinery should be tracked in an accurately maintained Fixed Asset Register.
A well maintained, fixed asset register plays a crucial role in tracking an asset's life span, values, depreciation and insurance levels. The insurable amounts are never as simple as the historical cost of the assets or even an indexed version. A wide range of factors can affect the replacement cost for insurance.
Let our qualified plant and machinery valuers take out the guesswork. We can create a new inventory for insurance purposes with a report that will meet all your requirements if an insurance claim is required.
We can provide independent market values for your plant and machinery for taxation purposes, various financial reporting requirements, including purchase price allocation. We can also perform asset register verification work to clean up and improve your fixed asset register. Furthermore, our independent advice on the market values of your plant and machinery can assist in matrimonial matters or partnership dissolutions, internal planning and financial planning.
Our Plant and Machinery (P&M) valuers are Certified Practicing Valuers (CPV) and associate members of the Australian Property Institute (API), with certification specific to Plant and Machinery Valuations, equipped with over a decade of experience, and on the tools in a wide variety of industries and asset types. Our independent reports meet the appropriate requirements of the API, Accounting standards of Australia, International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) and Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) regulations and guidelines.